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January 13, 2022

Three Easy Ways To Feel Fresh This Year

We made it through the holiday season, we are well into January, and a lot of us are starting to wonder if we might have been too ambitious with our list of New Year’s Resolutions. It is important to remember that even if we do not meet all of the targets that we set ourselves at the start of the year, then we can at least take some positive steps towards feeling better in ourselves. Here are a few tips to help you feel more comfortable in your own skin this spring.

Take A Deep Breath

The start of the year can be a tough time for our mental health, even if you know Blue Monday is a myth. There’s always a big push to get to the Christmas break, and as we face a few more months of bad weather and short days, it’s easy to feel a little demoralised. If you are feeling overwhelmed, remember that self-care is so important. We all felt the effects of burnout last year, and we need to make sure that we are taking positive steps to look after ourselves. Start by taking some time that is just yours, every day. Try to get outside for some fresh air and exercise every day because this can have a positive impact on your mental health too. Keep reaching out to your friends and loved ones and talking to them about how you are doing.

Treat Yourself To Some New Clothes

Part of looking after yourself is thinking about the image of yourself that you present to the world. When you are having a hard time, it can be so easy to fall into old habits and stick with the things that feel comfortable. However, over time, these comfort clothes and items can start to become associated with how you were feeling at that point. Treating yourself to new clothes may seem like it is not connected to a fresh start, but it can reaffirm that positive mindset of getting out into the world and starting anew. Think about looking for clothes that are comfortable and stylish, that can keep you warm while we wait for the better weather. Superdry Clothing offers parkas, puffer jackets, and longline coats to keep you warm and stylish during the winter.

Think About Trying A New Diet

When we hear the word diet, a lot of us think about plates full of leaves and tall glasses of protein shakes. But if you want to feel fresh, all you have to do is think about trying new things and shaking up your weekly food shop a bit. For example, we all know that switching to a meat-free diet is a good thing to do for the environment, but it’s a tasty opportunity too. The range of vegetarian and vegan substitutes has never been better, or more affordable. But you don’t need to stop there. Think about trying your hand at a new kind of cuisine, whether you have always wanted to master the perfect Thai curry or you have been thinking about exploring the health benefits of an Italian diet. Shaking up your meals will make a big difference.
