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March 26, 2021

Luxury Man Cave Ideas to Try in 2021

A man cave has become a cherished space as an escape from the pressures of the corporate world. It is a deeply personal space where you can be yourself and indulge in whatever takes the pressure off. Designing and bringing man cave ideas into reality is one of the most fulfilling undertakings. This is the space that personifies your deep tastes and preferences. You should pull no stops to adding the most luxurious and sophisticated items in your man cave. Here are some luxury ideas you should add to your man cave this year.

Short Throw Projector

You can install an 85-inch TV in your man cave, but you can be nostalgic and go for something more unique. How about turning one of your walls into a 120-inch 4K cinema screen? A short throw projector throws images from a distance as short as 4 feet. These projectors have been around for a while but true 4K is very new. This compact projector brings the cinema experience to your man cave with Ultra HD images and clear booming sounds.

Self-serving Beer Keg

Why does this beer taste fresher and smoother than the usual? You will hear this question a lot from your buddies as they enjoy beer straight from the tap. Having a beer keg in your man cave is a great idea if you have the occasional friends’ hangout for weekend games. Beer kegs come in different sizes and are easier to install than before. A sixtel keg is good enough. It will hold 41 pints which are like 55 standard size beer bottles. It comes with a CO2 bottle 2kg  weight and an easy to operate dispensing tower.

Arcade Machine

Relive the happy free days when you were a kid and were mad about arcade games. Your friends will make a beeline for the machine when they set their eyes on it. There are hundreds of arcade games to choose. The most obvious choice is your childhood favorite, but more modern versions can carry over 50,000 games.

Mini Golf Simulator

What if you could experience playing at world-famous golf courses in your man cave? A golf simulator lets you choose a golf course, change the weather, difficulty level, and many other options. You can test your skills against other players across the world.

Pool/Billiard Table

Shooting pool or billiards is a time-honored group activity. Add a pool or billiards table for those times when you don’t feel like bingeing on movies alone. Better yet, install a 2-in-1 table that can play air hockey and billiards. You can convert from one game to the other for variety.

Antique Coffee Tables

You want the man cave to feel different, so there is no point installing chrome and glass coffee tables that have become so ubiquitous. Contract a carpenter to make you coffee tables from real solid wood like oak. For something truly unique convert oak barrels into coffee tables with a touch of eccentricity.

Custom Shooting Range

Why not go big with a bang if you have adequate space? There are several shooting range developers who can convert some of your basement space into a custom shooting range. It will certainly kick a bit of adrenaline into your Saturday afternoons.

Custom Man Cave Door Plates

Mark your territory with custom door metal plates announcing your territory. Switch from the usual brass to solid gold. There are hundreds of fonts you can pick from to pronounce your space to those coming into your private lair.

Your man cave is open for experimenting with any luxury ideas that fit your tastes. There are hundreds more luxury ideas you can try to make the perfect personal space.
