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November 19, 2021

Latitud 39 by Mauricio Farinola

Latitud 39 corresponds to the geographic coordinates of the Balearic Islands. This is why we wanted to pay tribute to the point of the Mediterranean where we are located, being one of the most chosen places by many travellers for more than a century.

We propose taking a gastronomic trip from our islands to all latitudes of the world. We start the journey with our Mediterranean cuisine as a base, going on to cross seas, countries and continents in search of ingredients that allow us to give different flavour notes to our dishes.

The Balearic Islands, and specifically Mallorca, are a crossroads of people from all around the world, who bring diverse cultures and gastronomies with them in their suitcase. Our chef Mauricio Farinola wanted to pay tribute to these airs of diversity alive in our lands with a few strokes of gastronomic colours in many dishes from beyond the seas.

We hope that the gastronomic trip that we propose is to your liking.

The Latitud 39 team.

A:  Av.Almirante Riera Alemany, 21, Port D’Andratx, Mallorca
E:  Information
T: +34 871 046 780
W: Restaurant Latitude 39
W: Reservations

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