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July 18, 2024

Inside the Luxury Habits of Wealthy Families

Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of the rich and famous looks like? Well, it may be slightly different than you think…

Personalized Service

Wealthy families often employ personal staff, whether it be personal chefs, trainers, tutors, masseuses, or even companions. In the rich Brisbane, wealthy men are often known to hire models and call girls to accompany them to social events or help them unwind with a massage after a long day. And that’s not all – Many in Brisbane hire beautiful escorts to help them in all aspects of their lives, whether it’s keeping the house tidy or keeping things alive in the bedroom! One of the perks of Australia, we think.

Exclusive Travel and Leisure

Wealthy families often indulge in luxurious travel experiences, staying at high-end resorts, chartering private yachts, and flying first-class or private jets.

It is often the standard practice to have more than one holiday a year – wealthy families often return to the same luxury resorts year-on-year, and many even have holiday homes and villas!

Fashion and Accessories

Wearing designer clothing and accessories, and having personal stylists, are standard practices.

It’s easy to look and feel great when you have unlimited time and resources, whether it’s keeping on top of the best hair care practices, keeping up-to-date on the latest trends, or having the time to follow a beauty regimen!

Health and Wellness

Investing in comprehensive health and wellness programs, including private healthcare, spa treatments, and holistic therapies, is typical of the wealthy.

People with money can often afford the best food (think organic and fresh), plus exotic food daily.

Maintaining a healthy and mindful lifestyle is often easier without the stress of financial worry and tiresome 9-5 jobs, too.

High-End Real Estate

Owning multiple properties, including vacation homes in exotic locations, is a common trait.

Wealthy people often habitually invest in holiday homes, villas, apartments, and sometimes even chalets!
Art and Collectibles

A favourite hobby among the wealthy – building collections of fine art, antiques, and rare items!

You’ll often find that wealthy people have expansive collections of art and collectables. Sometimes, this stems from a deep interest and passion, whilst many others purchase these items purely from an investment and financial point of view.

Private Events

Hosting and attending exclusive gatherings is a common practice among wealthy families. These events include glamorous galas, high-profile charity balls, and intimate private concerts. Such occasions are not only opportunities for socializing and networking but also for showcasing their status and influence.

Lavish decor, gourmet catering, and top-tier entertainment are standard, reflecting their penchant for luxury and exclusivity. These private events often serve philanthropic purposes, raising significant funds for various causes while allowing affluent individuals to mingle in an elite, closed setting.

Premium Education

Prioritizing the education of their children, wealthy families invest in elite private schools and prestigious universities. These institutions provide top-tier academic programs, exceptional facilities, and extensive extracurricular opportunities, ensuring a well-rounded education. Access to exclusive networks and influential connections further enhances the value of these educational investments. From early childhood through higher education, the focus is on securing the best possible learning environments, paving the way for future success and maintaining the family’s legacy of excellence and achievement.

Fine Dining

Regularly indulging in gourmet experiences, wealthy families often dine at Michelin-starred restaurants and host lavish dinner parties. These dining experiences feature exquisite cuisine, world-class chefs, and impeccable service, reflecting their sophisticated tastes and appreciation for culinary excellence.

Extravagant dinner parties, often held in opulent settings, serve as both social gatherings and showcases of their refined lifestyles. Whether enjoying a private tasting menu or a grand banquet, the emphasis is always on exceptional quality and an unparalleled dining experience.

Just for fun! Here are five of the most expensive restaurants in the world:

Sublimotion, Ibiza, Spain – This restaurant, run by Michelin-starred chef Paco Roncero, is renowned for its immersive dining experience. A meal here costs around $2,380 per head, offering a unique combination of food, art, and virtual reality for a 20-course meal.

Ultraviolet, Shanghai, China – Priced between $570 and $900 per person, Ultraviolet offers a multi-sensory experience with a menu created by French chef Paul Pairet. The restaurant features a single table for ten and utilizes audio-visual effects to enhance the dining experience.

Masa, New York, USA – Headed by chef Masa Takayama, this sushi restaurant charges about $595 per person. Masa focuses on essential flavors with a daily changing menu based on the freshest ingredients available.

Restaurant de l’Hôtel de Ville, Crissier, Switzerland – This restaurant offers an eleven-course tasting menu for $415 per head. The establishment is celebrated for its exceptional quality and extensive wine list, all curated under the guidance of chef Frank Giovani.

Guy Savoy, Paris, France – With a cost ranging from $385 to $626 per person, Guy Savoy’s flagship restaurant in Paris features a 13-course tasting menu focusing on meat and seasonal ingredients. The restaurant is known for its luxurious ambience and top-notch culinary creations.

These habits reflect a lifestyle focused on comfort, exclusivity, and personalized experiences, showcasing the unique advantages that wealth can provide.

Instagram / #Luxurialife