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June 22, 2022

How To Plan For An Anniversary

Whether you are planning for your first anniversary together, or for a diamond anniversary for your parents – every anniversary is special, and a great time to reflect on life together so far. Here are some important considerations ideas and steps to consider when planning the ultimate anniversary celebration.

Step out of your comfort zone

Staying in your comfort zone is a nice place to be – you are used to your routines and luxuries. But are you really living? Why not give something new together with a go, such as a trip abroad or trying a new restaurant in a different city. These new and unique experiences will drive you closer together and give you a new lease on life. Why not take some take some red lingerie away with you to really spice up your trip, and relight the romance between you both. Taking some time away from your ordinary lives to do something out of your comfort zone will also be memorable and something to look forward to for you both.

Set expectations

There are few worse feelings than being handed a present and realising you didn’t buy them one too, or if they have spent a lot of money on a gift and you hadn’t. Make sure to communicate your expectations on gifts/cards and the formality of any dates so that everyone feels comfortable and knows what to expect prior to the anniversary. Sometimes the most special gifts can be small and thoughtful, so don’t feel pressured to spend your savings account on the perfect gift! After all, I’m sure all your partner really cares about is spending quality time with their favourite person – you!

Set aside time to talk

An anniversary is a perfect time to take some time to reminisce over your memories together and talk about all the good aspects and events in your relationship. This is a great time to speak about the future of your relationship and discuss where you want it to go in the future, whether this is a relocation to a different city or the decision that it is time to start a family.

Plan a surprise

What better way to celebrate than a surprise. Whether it’s a visit to where you had your first date, breakfast in bed, a night in watching your favourite movies surrounded by all your favourite snacks or a party to celebrate with your close friends and family. Think carefully about if there is anything that your partner has been mentioning that they would like to do, but haven’t gotten around to yet. Not only will this be a great surprise, it is also extremely thoughtful and a gift they will appreciate.
