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November 14, 2022

How To Beat The Craving for Nicotine

Read on to find out how to stop nicotine cravings in their tracks.

Curbing nicotine cravings is easily the most challenging part when it comes to quitting smoking. Considering it is the thing that most people end up missing the most and the thing your body and mind tell you you “need”, fighting the cravings can be difficult.

However, there are some things you can do to not only distract yourself but also take your mind off of nicotine long enough to not need it.


While vaping isn’t exactly quitting, it is being used across Australia and most of the world to help people to quit. Vape Australia helps you cut out all the serious toxins that are in cigarettes first, and then the varying nicotine levels help you slowly cut down.

As mentioned, while this isn’t a cold-turkey solution, it is a way to slowly ween yourself off of nicotine and reach the point where you don’t need it anymore.


While this may seem too simple to do anything, walking forces you to distract yourself and focus on other things; where you’re going, what you’re seeing, etc. It is also a time to clear your head, as stress is another driving factor that makes smokers turn back to nicotine.

Walking has a calming effect, and if you are out for long enough, you will reach a point where you haven’t thought about smoking for an hour or two. That is a great place to start not needing nicotine anymore.


If walking isn’t cutting it, then you should head to the gym. Very few people will think about smoking when they are trying to bench press a personal best or they’re on mile 5 of an intense run on the treadmill.

Working out will also start reinforcing the idea of being healthier, which in turn will help you deal with nicotine cravings easier as you will become more and more aware of how much you don’t want it.


While there is no need to lock yourself in a room or head into a massive forest for 6 hours to be with your thoughts, meditation is another simple way to take your mind off of smoking. When the craving hits, close your eyes and take deep breaths, focusing on not wanting to smoke, and clearing your head of those thoughts.

Since smoking becomes a habit, smokers will often turn to them instantly if they are stressed or just need something to do. If you take a pause and reset your brain, you can stop that instant reaction to reaching for a cigarette and therefore stop the response of needing nicotine.

Start a Portable Hobby

Whether it be a mobile game, a Rubik’s Cube or a fidget toy, get something that you can take anywhere that can distract your mind and hands. As mentioned, most people will have a cigarette because they are bored or have nothing else to do at the time; you must find something to do instead.

You must, at the very least, choose something that requires concentration, as a mindless activity will make your brain wander back to the thought of smoking.

Avoid Triggers

Many smokers will tell you that they smoke more when they are drinking or can’t have a cup of coffee in the morning with a cigarette. These are not only habits but triggers as well, and the best way to stop these habits is to avoid the triggers.

For example, if you always have a cup of coffee and a cigarette in the morning, start having tea or a smoothie. This small change will be difficult, but it breaks the cycle and will trick your brain into not wanting a cigarette.

Delay the Craving

Another great trick to use is to delay the craving. When you want nicotine, set yourself a goal and say something like, “in 30 minutes, I can have some”. This starts enforcing self-discipline and will help you fight cravings.

The goal is to either reach that 30-minute mark and not need nicotine anymore or to tell yourself that you can do another 30 minutes. Eventually, you will be able to go 2, 3 or even 4 hours without even thinking about a cigarette, and if you do that two or three times a day, you just won’t have any nicotine.

Cigarette Replacements

As mentioned already, many people will have a cigarette because they are bored or because they need to do something with their hands. One of the best ways to combat this is to find a cigarette replacement that you can hold and put to your lips like you would a cigarette.

This can be a straw or a pen, but as long as it gives your hands the same physical sensations as smoking, it can trick your brain into thinking you are actually smoking.

Smoke-Free Locations

Finally, make a concerted effort to avoid restaurants, clubs or bars where smoking inside is allowed. The last thing you want to do is to smell smoke or a cigarette, as it will instantly trigger your need for nicotine.

Instead, opt for open areas, cafes and similar establishments where there is little to no chance of smelling cigarettes.
