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July 20, 2022

Green Malay Vs. Green Maeng Da: Which Is Better For Pain Relief?

Green Malay, also known as Green Malaysian, grows in the mountainous region of Malaysia. The leaves grow to an extremely large size upon full maturity and also feature something very unusual. Due to the growing conditions of these Mitragyna speciosa trees, each leaf’s cell walls have a density that’s unlike any other Kratom leaves. As a result, green kratom from HGL reportedly has a much longer-lasting performance than usual.

The Average Price of Green Malay Kratom

With unusual qualities and a large number of fans, you can expect to pay a bit more for Green Malay. Most vendors price 1 ounce of SMG powder at $9.95 or more, topping out at around $18. If you prefer to pick up 4 or 5 ounces at once, you’ll find a wide price range varying from $19.99 all the way to $74.95.

The Golden Monk carries bulk Green Malay powder. Get 250g (8.8 oz) for $49.99 or go up to 1 kilo (1,000g/35 oz) for the discounted price of $99.99.

Similar Strains

Green Malay has enough uniqueness to stand apart from other strains. However, it’s probably most like a mid-ground between Green Indo and Maeng Da Thai. In terms of overall popularity, Green Malay and Green Maeng Da lead the green-veined pack.

What Makes Green Malay the Right Choice?

Do you want something with a long-lasting, unique performance that’s not truly comparable to any other Kratom strain? That’s where Green Malay steps in. Green Malay Kratom has pleased Malaysian farmers for centuries and has more recently become a highly sought-out favorite worldwide.

Disclaimer: This product is not used to treat, cure. or mitigate any disease, illness, ailment, and/or condition. Please see FDA import alert 54-15. We make no representations as to intended use or suitability for use. View the full product disclaimer and terms of purchase.
