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August 12, 2020

Essential Features Of A Luxury Agricultural Home

The British countryside is home to some truly spectacular estates and other properties. While most luxury property buyers gravitate towards trendy urban environments, there is a lot to be said for luxury rural properties. However, before you purchase a luxury property in the country, make sure that you have considered the following.

Easy Access

For every benefit of living in the British countryside, there is a corresponding downside. One of the most difficult adjustments to make for city-dwellers when they first move to the country is to their driving. Navigating the thin winding roads that snake through the British countryside isn’t always the most relaxing experience.

You can’t have a luxury property if you are struggling to pull your car into the driveway every day. There are some really beautiful properties in rural England that are an absolute nightmare to access, even if you live there. Make sure that you check this out beforehand.

The Right Style

You will find a wide range of architectural styles represented amongst the rural agricultural properties of Britain. If you are looking for a property that you can renovate and modify, then consider what the best underlying architectural style is for the aesthetic you want to create.

There are some really beautiful agricultural properties that are listed buildings, meaning that renovating them is not a straightforward process. If you are looking at such a property, make sure you are happy with the style before you commit.

A Well-Defined Perimeter

Having a huge amount of land to call your own can be a bit of a double-edged sword. While you get to benefit from the freedom that comes with having all that space to explore at your leisure, you also have to take responsibility for ensuring that the whole place is properly maintained. For larger properties, this is often challenging.

Of particular concern is the perimeter to your property. If you don’t have a clearly defined boundary to your land, then you will forever have to deal with people wandering onto it and animals wandering off.

If there are any animals on the property, it is worth investing in proper agricultural fencing solutions, like this agricultural fencing from Hillview Farm. Hillview Farm offers a range of agricultural fencing, including special equestrian fences for horses.

In terms of keeping people off your property and ensuring that they only walk on any public footpaths that run through your land, there are some great options for heavy fencing that won’t spoil the view.

The Right Kind Of Garden

If you are investing in a working agricultural property that is still active, then you will undoubtedly have plenty of lands that you can rightly call your garden. However, there may only be a relatively small part of it for you to let your inner gardener loose. If you are buying an agricultural property that is no longer part of a working farm, it may or may not come with a big garden for you to play with.

In either case, in order to achieve a truly luxurious look and feel for agricultural property, the right kind of garden is essential. One of the most compelling reasons to invest in a luxury agricultural property is because of the freedom that comes with being able to access all that land. Before you pull the trigger on purchasing an agricultural property, make sure you have inspected the land you will be getting with the property.

Agriculture and luxury don’t often go together. However, anyone who has seen a converted old farmhouse, or comes across a working farm with a grand home at its centre will know that agricultural properties can be very luxurious indeed. The right agricultural property can offer both a beautiful home and access to all the land you could possibly want.
