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August 2, 2024

Enhancing your Facial Profile: 5 Ways to Rid Your Face Skin of Excess Fat

Excess fat, especially in unwanted areas is an issue of concern for many. While body fat is important for energy storage, and regulating body temperature, excess fat can result in certain health issues.

Being overweight may also influence one’s self-esteem. One area where excess fat is particularly obvious is the face. The face has a major role to play in the overall appearance. Unlike other parts of the body that can be covered at will, the face is more exposed and open to scrutiny.

Many people define beauty by the features and contours of the face, which is why excess face fat can be a major concern. While genetics and lifestyle may be the reason for the excess distribution of fat in the face, there are certain ways to get rid of this fat.

Some of these are:

1. Fat removal procedure

The fat in the lower portion of the cheek, known as buccal fat, gives the face a fuller, and rounder look. Buccal fat may appear naturally due to genetic predisposition or as a result of ageing or weight gain. With the excess cheek fat reduced, your face appears more contoured and defined.

Buccal fat removal procedure helps to eliminate these fat pads, restoring the facial contour. This surgery is minimally invasive, involving the extraction of buccal fat through tiny incisions made in the mouth. The cheekbones are enhanced and the face appears slimmer after this procedure.

One advantage of buccal fat removal is that it offers a long-lasting solution to excess face fat. The fat extracted depends on your desired facial shape. This cosmetic surgery combined with lifestyle changes can significantly improve your appearance and boost your confidence.

2. Adopt a balanced diet

Dietary choices have a major role to play in influencing overall health and weight. A balanced diet is key to attaining and maintaining a healthy body weight. This involves consuming food that contains the essential nutrients needed by the body in the right proportion.

Excess fat on your face may be a reflection of your overall weight. Adopting a balanced diet not only reduces body weight but also reduces facial fat.

While eating a balanced diet, drink plenty of water to flush out toxins in the body, and avoid overeating. It is also crucial to reduce your intake of carbohydrates and processed food as this can contribute to fat buildup.

3. Exercise regularly

Engaging in exercise is essential to burn calories, and shed off excess body fat, which includes facial fat. Cardiovascular exercises such as running, swimming, cycling, and more, can help reduce excess fat in the body and face.

Aside from cardiovascular exercises, certain exercises are designed to reduce excess fat in the face. These facial exercises help strengthen and tone the muscles of the face. They enhance overall facial appearance by targeting specific areas such as the cheeks, jawline, and neck.

4. Reduce alcohol intake

Alcoholic beverages are high in calories and provide no nutritional value. Regular consumption of alcohol can result in excess weight gain that may manifest in the face and other parts of the body. Cutting down on alcohol reduces body weight and facial fat.

Furthermore, alcohol stimulates the appetite, making you eat excessively. The calories from both the alcohol and food consumed can result in weight gain and facial fat. To prevent this from occurring, abstain or reduce your alcohol consumption.

5. Get adequate rest

Stress triggers the production of cortisol which increases appetite and promotes the storage of fat. Weight gain in the body and accumulation of fat in the face can result from chronic stress. To get rid of excess fat in the face, manage your stress level by getting adequate rest.

The stress hormone, cortisol, is also released when you do not get enough sleep. To prevent fat accumulation in the face, it’s important to get enough sleep. This prevents cortisol from being produced, thereby impeding excessive weight gain. Creating a comfortable sleep environment and limiting screen time can help you get quality sleep.

Wrapping up

Excess facial fat can influence your overall look, giving you a fuller and less defined appearance.

Buccal fat removal offers a lasting remedy to excess facial fat. This procedure combined with a balanced diet, exercise, and adequate rest, can effectively rid your face skin of excess fat.

The high caloric content of alcohol contributes to a rise in appetite and accumulation of facial fat. It is therefore important to moderate your consumption of alcohol. Reducing alcohol intake not only prevents facial fat but also contributes to overall health.
