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March 21, 2023

Dr Manrina Rhode – 2022 – The Year I Hit Some Big Life Goals..

The first half of the year was spent running DRMR clinic from our rental property while building my super clinic at the same time. It was an intense time as I was building a dream. It had taken me 20 years as a dentist to finally build my own branded clinic and I wanted every centimetre to be perfect.

July was a big month for me and DRMR as I won Dentist of the Year 2022 and our Super Clinic was finally ready to open.

The Dentist of the Year award is probably the highest award you can get in my profession. I’ve spent my career seeing other deserving dentists get the award and now after 20 years as a dentist it was my turn. It was a great honour and made me feel really proud of my accomplishments.  I’ve put a lot of effort into my career throughout.  It felt good for that to be acknowledged and rewarded.  I’m also potentially the only female to have ever won Dentist of the Year in the U.K. The awarding bodies said they didn’t know of any others which was surprising but makes me glad to be part of the change I would like to see.

I wanted my super clinic to be the most beautiful clinic you had ever seen but also have the strongest team and latest tech.

Since opening I have invested heavily in the latest technology to make sure we are pushing forward with world-class techniques.

We have a scanner so we don’t need to take conventional impressions as much as before. We can scan your mouth and email the details to our laboratory’s.

We have a powerful laser which can replace a drill in removing decay, streamlines the gum lift procedure and allows us to remove veneers with some taps of the laser.

We have AI technology to read our X-rays so we don’t miss ANYTHING.

We have an ultrasound-driven non-surgical facelift machine and a face-stimulating facial that I imported from Italy because it was so good.

Also within the team, there is now not only me but also a Hygienist, Implantologist, Orthodontist, Facial Aesthetician, Dietitian, DNA testing and Body Coach. A team of experts who I’m very proud of and happy to be able to offer their services to you, from DRMR, allowing you to Be Your Best You.

All in all, I’m grateful for every one of you. I hope we were able to provide you with the 5-star service we aim to deliver. I hope to see every one of you in 2023.

DRMR London

Written by Dr Manrina Rhode
