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July 26, 2022

Dans Le Noir – An amazing culinary adventure like no other in London

Dans Le Noir has been on my bucket list for the past two years; this week, I finally had the chance to experience one of the world’s most original dining concepts; I can’t wait to tell you all about it! I love looking for dining concepts and immersive experiences which catapult you into a new way of dining, and Dans Le Noir certainly ticked the boxes for both, making it an unforgettable night.

I wanted to visit this restaurant because I was eager to try something new and dining in complete darkness is something I’ve never tried before; the concept interested me, therefore, I had to find out for myself what it would be like!

The first thing I usually do when my meal comes out in a restaurant is to take photos of it, however, there were no opportunities to do that here. Instead, I had to strip back my usual dining habits and focus on living in the present moment, which was highly refreshing.

Not only that, but all of the waiters serving us were blind and knowing this made me reflect on how much I take my eyesight for granted. I have so much respect and admiration for those who are visually impaired, furthermore, spending the evening dining without my sight opened my eyes to how challenging everyday tasks can be without one of your senses. I loved the fact the roles felt reversed; I was putting my trust into the waiter and was relying on him to guide me through the restaurant and as uncomfortable as that felt at times, it made me have great respect and admiration for the visually impaired. Not only has it opened my eyes, excuse the pun, to how challenging everyday life can be without one of your senses, but it made me feel more gratitude for something I would usually take for granted.

Without giving too much away, you get to choose from three mystery menus; meat, fish and vegetarian; so not only are you eating in the dark, the menu is a total surprise! Having to guess what food you’re eating made the whole evening so much fun. Once you’ve finished your 3/5 courses, you go into a room where your menu is revealed to you. Without revealing too much, as I would hate to spoil the surprise, I was amazed to realise that I had guessed almost every dish wrong!

I found this a lot harder than I imagined, when I asked the waiter for some water, he told me it was on the table already and that I had to pour it myself, straight away I thought, can I do that without it overflowing onto the table which then made me laugh nervously. Of course, I used my fingers in the glass as a guide, although that idea didn’t come to mind immediately. As well as that, when it came to using my cutlery, I had full intention of being sophisticated, yet after 10 minutes of missing my mouth with the fork, I opted for using my fingers instead. It was very messy, but it was worth it if I wanted to eat my dinner whilst it was still hot!

I feel this kind of dining would make a memorable date night because there’s nothing more romantic than dining in the dark with no visual distractions; it’s just you, your date and your dinner. Conversations seem much more meaningful because you have to listen intently to one another. Experiencing something for the first time also creates an intimate moment that you can bond together afterwards over drinks. I think it’s a restaurant you need to add to your bucket list, so make sure you get yourself booked in!

A:   69-73 St John Street, EC1M 4AN London
T:   +44 (0) 20 7253 1100
E:   Contact
W: Dans Le Noir

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Written by Danielle Tobin for Luxuria Lifestyle London and International
