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July 20, 2022

Course Soups: Varieties and Loads of Benefits

CONTENT DISCLAIMER: The content on this page is strictly for entertainment purposes only. The content below has not been medically reviewed and is not intended to offer advice for use or intended use. For more information about kratom and its potential dangers, please visit the fda.gov site.

The name of a kratom strain tells a lot about the kratom itself. Most commonly, you’ll find that kratom strains are named after its place of origin, such as the Kapuas Kratom strain from the banks of the Kapuas River. Other kratom strains are named after shapes, like Horn Kratom, which sports a horned shape.

Maeng Da Kratom, on the other hand, has quite an interesting meaning behind its name. “Maeng Da” can refer to two different things: for one, it is the name of a very large water bug species that lives in Thailand. Its other meaning, however, can mean “pimp kratom”. In this article, we’ll be exploring the new golden variant of the potent Maeng Da Kratom strain.

Gold Maeng Da Kratom Benefits

Gold Maeng Da Kratom Benefits

Unless you are new to kratom in general, you’ve probably heard about Maeng Da Kratom, and what it does. It is said that Maeng Da Kratom was one of the pioneering genetically-modified kratom strains when it was released in the market. It marked a new age of more potent and powerful kratom strains, as it was made to be extremely effective when it came to providing potential benefits.

Since its discovery, farmers have chewed the leaves of Maeng Da Kratom to give them a needed potential boost. Though Maeng Da Kratom’s popularity has waned these past few years, it’s still a staple that many kratom enthusiasts come back to from time to time for its consistency.

Gold Maeng Da Kratom Effects

If you think that Red, White, or Green Maeng Da is potent, think again. Many people claim that Gold Maeng Da is one of, if not the most powerful Maeng Da variant to date, thanks to its increased alkaloids. It does not come without a catch, however – Gold Maeng Da is particularly rare and hard to come by as a result.

The overall effect of Gold Maeng Da is its potential ability to potentially uplift your current mood. If you’re not feeling well or just don’t think you’re having a great day, Maeng Da might keep you going just a little longer.

Gold Maeng Da Kratom Effects

Gold Maeng Da Kratom Dosage

Remember, Maeng Da Kratom is a lot more powerful than your average kratom strain. And since Gold Maeng Da is said to be its strongest variant yet, that means you have to exercise extra caution when first trying it out. Go for 1 gram at most for your first try, and expect to be able to tolerate as much as 5 grams once you get used to it (don’t push yourself if you can’t, though).

Similar Strains

There aren’t many gold vein kratom strains available in the market, so look for Gold Bali or Gold Borneo Kratom if Gold Maeng Da isn’t available, or try out the other Maeng Da variants such as red or green vein if you want to experience its signature potency.
