December 13, 2022
Common Keto Diet Mistakes That You Should Avoid
If there’s one diet that has been insanely popular over the past couple of years, then that’s for sure the Keto diet. And one of the main reasons why so many people love it is because it’s generally very effective when it comes to losing weight or resolving some health issues.
At first glance, it may appear to be very simple. All you have to do is to consume a lot of fat and keep your carb consumption at a very low level. At least that’s what cavemen did, and they stayed healthy.
Sounds easy right? Well, not so much. In fact, a lot of people (especially the ones who adore carbs) frequently make different mistakes on this diet. If you want to give this diet a try and prevent some major mistakes, then check out these facts below.
Top Keto Pitfalls
Before we proceed, we would just like to emphasize the fact that in this article we will cover only the basic aspects of this diet. If you would like to dive deeper into it, then it would be advisable to find a detailed keto diet blog where everything will be more thoroughly explained. Now, let’s uncover some major keto pitfalls.
Too Many Carbohydrates
It is widely known that anyone who wants to give Keto a try, must keep carbs very low. Why is this important? Keeping them low keeps blood sugar low, meaning that insulin will be low as well, which enables the cells to burn stored body fat.
However, if you do not know which carbs are keto-friendly and which aren’t, then you can easily sneak the forbidden ones into this dietary regime. The most common ones are usually soups, salad dressings, and surprisingly shellfish.
Now, if these carbohydrates go beyond ten percent of your daily calories, then your metabolism won’t switch to fat-burning mode, meaning, you will not enter ketosis. If you want to prevent this, then just add all the necessary details into the Carb Manager app just to make sure you are not overconsuming carbs and don’t forget to read the labels.
You Are Not Eating Enough Fats
A lot of people are scared of consuming too much fat. There’s a common misconception that it’s unhealthy. If you agree with this conclusion, then this type of diet is definitely not for you. Bear in mind that your body needs fat so it can normally function once you cut out all those carbohydrates.
If you do not add the right amount of fat into your regime, then you’ll be facing a calorie deficit, which definitely isn’t good for your metabolism and could negatively affect your hormone function.
Besides, consuming fats will let your body know that it’s completely fine to burn fats for energy. It’s time to stop being scared of fats and believing that they are unhealthy.
Take This Information Into Consideration As Well
Too Much Protein Isn’t A Good Idea
Another mistake that people oftentimes make during the keto diet is that they eat too much protein. But what they obviously don’t know is that excess protein can easily be turned into glucose during a process called gluconeogenesis.
What does it represent? Namely, it is a natural process during which your body turns energy from fats and proteins into glucose. In this diet (or any other low-carb diet for that matter), gluconeogenesis will happen at different rates to maintain body function.
Keep in mind that your body doesn’t need too many carbohydrates, however, it does need glucose. You could completely eliminate carbs from your diet and through gluconeogenesis, your body is going to turn other substrates into glucose, so it could have “more fuel”.
That’s one of the reasons why carbohydrates are not completely eliminated from the keto diet. Namely, some parts of the body, such as the kidney medulla and red blood cells, need carbs to properly function.
To cut a long story short, the keto diet doesn’t mean that you should overconsume protein. Remember that fat must be your primary fuel source, which means that you should opt for pure-fat sources that do not contain protein, like healthy oils.
Not Drinking Enough Water
Water should generally be part of every dietary regime because, without it, our bodies cannot function normally. But that’s particularly the case with this diet. Namely, once you decrease your carb intake, it will lead to electrolyte imbalance and shifts in your fluid, which means dehydration. Therefore, it’s essential to drink at least two liters of water each day.
No diet is going to be good for your body if you do not follow the rules of it the right way. The same goes for this diet, and that’s one of the reasons why we created this article. We simply wanted to make sure you are doing everything correctly.