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November 29, 2022

5 Best Under Desk Treadmills To Walk And Work

It can be difficult to juggle work with getting enough exercise, with most of our time during the day spend sat at a desk, or in an office. Under-desk treadmills are increasing in popularity because of this – so you can improve your step count without having to compromise on getting your work done. There is a range of these walking treadmills on the market to choose from, designed to suit all spaces and living arrangements, from small and quiet, to those that feature modern tech and high speeds. Read on as we take a look at some of the products you can choose from, including the best folding under-desk treadmill.

What is an under-desk treadmill?

Under-desk treadmills are becoming more popular with those of us that spend our days working at our laptops and computers. They are smaller than your average treadmill, as they are made to fit underneath your desk and comfortably into your workspace. Unlike a treadmill that you would find in the gym, they usually do not feature handrails and are simply made up of a moving deck. They are a great way for you to get your daily steps in whilst also doing your work, so you can fit a bit of extra movement into your day.

There are a few features that you should look out for with an under-desk treadmill – they do differ from the machines you may use to train in the gym. They aren’t made to withstand running, so they tend to be smaller, and easier to store. If you don’t have a lot of room to work with, you may even choose a fold-away treadmill for ease. A walking treadmill should offer a pace of around 0.5 to 4 mph, this will accommodate a leisurely to brisk pace. If you’re thinking about introducing a walking treadmill to your office, you may also need to check how noisy the belt is – after all, you don’t want to be disturbed in meetings or important calls.

What are the benefits?

Under-desk treadmills are becoming popular for good reason; they come with a huge range of benefits. If you feel like you’re stuck at your desk all day, it can be difficult to find the time to move your body. You don’t have to worry about this with an under-desk treadmill, you can do your work, and walk at the same time.

It has a positive impact on your overall health, as it helps you to burn more calories, and improves your posture – you’re less likely to be in a slumped position at your desk if you are up and walking. Some of us find that we are more creative when we are moving, it gets the blood pumping and your ideas flowing! You may even notice an improvement in mood. You’re able to tailor your routine to suit you – you can walk for an hour or so, and then sit back down if you need to.

So, if you’ve decided that a walking, under-desk treadmill would be a good addition to your office, you’re going to need to choose a product that suits you best. Here are 5 of the best to choose from:

1. EgoFit Walker Pro

This walking treadmill is one of the best if you’re looking for a more compact product. The walking deck itself is petite so that you can fit it into your office set-up with ease. It is also lightweight, so if you decide to work elsewhere, you can move it around easily. It hits a speed of up to 3mph, which is perfect to get your heart rate up and your blood flowing. It is also remote-controlled for quick starts and emergency stops.

2. Urevo

This treadmill could be the perfect addition to your office space – it is lightweight and has wheels so you can store it away easily. Although it is best for walking, you could use it if you’re a jogger with a speed of up to 3.8mph. If you live in a flat and you’re wary of being too loud, this Urevo model is quiet so you can walk without worrying about your neighbours. This under-desk treadmill is also remote-controlled.

3. WalkingPad

This is arguably one of the best under-desk treadmills on the market. The WalkingPad model folds in half – so if you don’t want a treadmill that sits out all day, or clutters your space, you can fold this one away easily. It also has a feature that adjusts to your walking speed and can reach a tempo of up to 3.7mph. This under-desk treadmill also has a wear-resistant belt, so it is bound to last you as long as you need it. If you’re looking for an under-desk treadmill that offers value for money, the WalkingPad could be the best one for you.

4. InMovement

When it comes to purchasing an under-desk treadmill, you’re going to need a desk that is tall enough for you to work from as your stand and walk. This InMovement product solves that issue for you and provides a built-in desk. This is a high-priced option, but it is one of the best on the market. It is quiet, and it allows you to track your stats. This treadmill may not be the best option if you like to alternate between sitting and standing, and it only reaches 2mph, so if you are a fast walker, you may require a higher speed.

5. Citysports

This product features the fastest pace of all of the others we’ve looked at – it reaches 6mph and although this is still slower than your average gym-quality treadmill, you could still use it for a gentle jog. This treadmill is also quiet and remote-controlled, and if you’re a tech lover, this treadmill also features a speaker that allows you to listen to your music aloud. If you’re looking for a high-tech, high-quality treadmill to feature in your office, this Citysports product could be the best for you.
